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When To Bid Two In Either Royals Or Hearts

Another case to consider in bidding by the Dealer is when more than one
of any game-scoring suit should be declared.

The original theory of declaration was to withhold from the table as
long as possible all information regarding the strength of the hand;
therefore, to start with one in the real suit was regarded as most
unwise, and to bid two would have been deemed the act of a lunatic.

Now, however, the original suit declaration of more than one is
generally acknowledged to be an important part of the finesse of the
skilled bidder, and such bidding, when justified by the hand, is
recognized as eminently wise and proper.

When the "two" and "three" original Trump bids first came into vogue,
they were used indiscriminately with great length, regardless of
whether or not high cards headed the suit. The meaning of the bid was
"Do not take me out," and it was made under widely divergent
conditions. No distinction was drawn between a hand which might be
trickless as an aid to, or defense against, a No-trump declaration, and
one which would produce seven or eight tricks under such circumstances.
This kind of bidding was found to be much too confusing for the
partner, and prevented him from rendering intelligent support.

It is now realized that it is far wiser with length, no matter how
great, but without commanding cards, to start with a Spade and then bid
the long suit on the succeeding round, thus practically photographing
the hand for the partner and energetically waving the red flag for any
declaration but the one suit.

Take, for example, such a hand as seven Hearts, headed by Queen, Knave;
Ace, Knave, and two Clubs; two small Diamonds, and no Spades. An
original two Heart or one Club call would grossly mislead the partner
without being of any real advantage, but one Spade followed by two
Hearts, or even three, if necessary, shows the exact situation. As long
as the hand containing a long suit is not so strong that there is grave
danger of its being left in with one Spade, it should be started with
the defensive declaration. When such great strength exists, a sound
opening bid invariably presents itself.

It, therefore, becomes apparent that an original suit bid of two or
three, just as necessarily as a bid of one, should demonstrate the
underlying principle of original suit declarations--namely, strength,
as well as length.

The incidental object in bidding more than one originally is to warn
the partner that the Dealer prefers to play the suit named rather than
a doubtful No-trump; the main reason, however, is, if possible, to shut
out adverse bidding. When there is great length in either Spades or
Hearts and distinct weakness in the other, a two or three bid is most
advisable. In that case, the strength in the other suit may be entirely
with the adversaries and may be divided between them. They could
readily find this out, if allowed to start with a cheap bid, but it
frequently happens that neither is sufficiently strong to make a high
declaration without assistance from his partner.

When the Dealer has sufficient strength in either Royals or Hearts to
bid more than one, and, in addition, has considerable strength in the
other suits, it is as a rule advisable to bid but one, as in that case
he does not wish to frighten off adverse bidding, but prefers to
encourage it with the hope that it may reach a point which will give
him a safe and profitable double.

Six sure tricks with the possibility of more is the minimum strength
for an original call of two Hearts or two Royals.

Next: When To Bid Three In Either Royals Or Hearts

Previous: The Three Spade Bid

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