The Three Spade Bid
The declaration of three Spades by the Dealer is a very recent idea and
is also most informatory. It says: "Partner, I am anxious to have
Royals the Trump, but I cannot make that declaration now, as I have not
the requisite high cards. I probably have not the Ace of Spades, and
the chances are that I am without the King also. Either because the
balance of my hand is so strong that I fear I will be left in with one
Spade, or for some other reason, I do not wish to open with the
defensive declaration and wait for a later round to show strength. You
can count on me for five or more (probably more) Spades and other
[6] See page 90, as to how the partner should treat this
When To Bid Two In Either Royals Or Hearts
The Two Spade Bid
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