There has been very considerable discussion among students of this subject as to the part of the hand on which the Line of Health commences. My own theory, and one that I have proved by over twenty-five years' experience and also watching its... Read more of The Line Of Health Or The Hepatica at Palm Readings.orgInformational Site Network Informational
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Case Ii

Leading through assistance. When to continue with trumps.


King of hearts (turn-up),
Queen of hearts,
Queen, knave of spades,
Queen of clubs.


8, 9, 10 of diamonds, Knave, 8 of hearts,
10 of clubs, Ace of clubs,
7 of hearts. King, 9 of spades.


Knave of diamonds,
Ace of hearts,
Ace, 8 of spades,
7 of diamonds.

Score, love-all. C assists.

REMARKS.--B leads the right through the assisting hand, C plays the ace,
D the seven, and A should play the king. If A plays the queen to give
information to his partner, B should at once continue with the eight of
hearts, and thus effect a euchre. If A plays the king, B's natural play
would be to lead the ace of clubs, whereby A and C make their point.
Few cases arise when you should conceal information from your partner,
but this is one of them.

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