When Two Diamonds Or Two Clubs Has Been Declared
When the Dealer has called two Clubs or two Diamonds with the score at
love, the Third Hand should allow the declaration to stand, unless his
Heart or Spade holding be such that he believes, with the assistance of
his partner's Club or Diamond suit, he may win the game; or unless able
to bid two No-trumps. With the information that his partner has an
established suit, it does not require much strength to justify the two
No-trumps call. With all the other suits stopped, no matter how weakly,
the bid is imperative. With two securely stopped, it is advisable, but
with only one stopped, it is entirely out of the question.
With a score in the trick column, the Third Hand will treat either a
one or two Club or Diamond declaration just as, with the score at love,
he treats a similar call in Hearts or Royals.
When One Heart Or One Royal Has Been Declared
When One Club Or One Diamond Has Been Declared
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