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The Revoke

62. Is when a player, holding one or more cards of the suit led, plays a
card of a different suit.

63. The penalty of a revoke is three points, except in the case of a
lone hand, when it is five; and the penalty may be claimed as often as
the revoke is repeated in the hand.

64. A revoke is established if the trick in which it occurs be turned
and quitted; or if the revoking player or his partner, whether in his
right turn or otherwise, lead or play to the following trick.

65. A player may ask his partner whether he has not a card of the suit
renounced. Should the question be asked before the trick be turned and
quitted, subsequent turning and quitting does not establish the revoke,
and the error may be corrected, unless the question be answered in the
negative, or unless the revoking player or his partner have led or
played to the following trick.

66. At the end of the hand the claimants of a revoke may search all the

67. Should a revoke be claimed, and the accused player or his partner
mix the cards before they have been sufficiently examined by the
adversaries, the revoke is established.

68. A revoke cannot be claimed after the cards are cut for the next

69. If a player discover his mistake in time to save a revoke, the
adversaries may call the card played in error. Any player or players who
have played after him, except his partner, may withdraw their cards and
substitute others; the cards so withdrawn are not liable to be called.

70. A revoking player and his partner may require the hand on which the
revoke occurred to be played out.

71. An equal number of revokes on different sides cancel each other.

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Previous: Cards Played In Error

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