The Double Of One Spade
The question of when the Second Hand should double is covered in the
chapter on "Doubling," but as the double of one Spade is really a
declaration, rather than a double, it seems proper to consider it here,
especially as it is of vital importance that it be accurately
distinguished from the Second Hand bid of two Spades, with which it is
very frequently confused. Many good players treat the two declarations
as synonymous, although by so doing they fail to avail themselves of a
simple and safe opportunity to convey valuable information. The reason
for this apparent carelessness on the part of many bidders is that no
scheme of declaring that accurately fits the situation has hitherto
been generally understood.
The idea that follows has been found to work well, and while as yet not
sufficiently used to be termed conventional, seems to be growing in
favor with such rapidity that its general adoption in the near future
is clearly indicated.
The Second Hand doubles one Spade, with practically the same holding
with which the dealer bids two Spades, not with the expectation or wish
that the double will stand, but as the most informatory action
possible, and as an invitation to his partner to bid No-trumps or
Royals. In a general way his bid of two Spades has the same
significance, except that it more emphatically suggests a call of
Royals. By accurately distinguishing the two, the partner may declare
with much greater effect.
The double shows short Spades (two or three), with at least two high
honors in Spades, and one other trick, or the Ace of Spades and two
other tricks.
The Bid Of Two Spades
When To Make A Trump Declaration
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