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Making The Trump And Playing

74. The trump card having been turned, the eldest hand may pass, order
up, or play alone; in either of the last two cases the third hand may
take it from him and play alone.

75. Should the eldest hand pass, the second hand may pass, assist, or
play alone; in either of the last two cases the dealer may take it from
him and play alone.

76. Should the second hand pass, the third hand can pass, order up, or
play alone; and after him the dealer must pass, take up the trump, or
play alone.

77. Should all four players pass, the trump is turned down, and the
first hand can name a suit, or pass; and so on in turn around the table.
Should all pass again, the deal is at an end, and the next player deals.

78. Should the player entitled to make a trump name a suit, he cannot
change; and should he name the suit turned down, he is considered to
have passed.

79. Should the player, after naming the suit turned down, or passing,
mention the suit he intended to make trumps, his partner also must pass.

80. Should a player pass, and then attempt to assist, or order up the
trump, his partner also must pass. The adversaries, however, may elect
that it shall be played.

81. Should a player make a declaration, and his partner not hear it and
pass, the declaration is not invalidated.

82. No player can take away another's right by passing, ordering up, or
assisting, out of turn; but should the dealer turn down the trump card,
or on the second round throw his cards on the table, such action is
binding on his partner.

83. If any one, prior to his partner's playing, should call attention to
the trick either by saying that it is or is not his, or by naming his
card or by drawing it without being asked to do so, or call on his
partner to take or not to take the trick, the adversaries may require
that opponent's partner to play his highest or lowest of the suit led,
or to win or lose the trick.

84. A player has no right to ask who played a particular card, but at
any time during the play of a trick, or after the four cards are played,
but before they are touched for the purpose of gathering them together,
may demand that the cards be placed before their respective players.

85. When a player and his partner have an option of exacting from their
adversaries one of two penalties, they should agree who is to make the
election, but must not consult with one another which of the two
penalties it is advisable to exact. If they do so consult, they lose
their right; and if either of them, with or without the consent of his
partner, demand a penalty to which he is entitled, such decision is

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