Aladdin was the only son of a poor widow who lived in China; but instead of helping his mother to earn their living, he let her do all the hard work, while he himself only thought of idling and amusement. One day, as he was playing in th... Read more of Aladdin And The Wonderful Lamp at Children Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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How To Bid Against Two Or Three Spades

With two Spades bid by the Dealer, if the Second Hand have a suit he
desires led against a No-trump, it is of the utmost importance that he
indicate it to his partner.

Under such conditions, the Second Hand should declare a suit headed by
King, Queen, Knave, or some similar combination, but should avoid
bidding a long, weak suit, as the No-trump declarer may hold Ace, Queen
of it, and the partner may, by the call, be invited to lead his King
into the jaws of death. Of course, if the hand contain reentries, it
may be advisable to make such a bid, although even then it may
advantageously be delayed until the second round, since against a two
Spade declaration the Second Hand is sure of having another opportunity
to speak.

With three Spades declared by the Dealer, the Second Hand expects a
Royal from the Third Hand. He knows that he will have another chance to
bid, but, as he will then probably have to go much higher, it is just
as well not to wait if the hand contain any advantageous declaration.

Next: When To Bid No-trump Over A Suit

Previous: When To Bid Two No-trumps Over One No-trump

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