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Case 9

Dummy leaves the table to get a glass of water. As he returns to his
seat, he sees his partner's hand and notices that he is revoking.

Has he, under these circumstances, the right to ask him whether he has
any more of the suit?


Law 60 gives the Dummy the right to ask this question, and does not
specify that he must be in his seat to avail himself of the privilege.

Section 9 of Etiquette provides that Dummy shall not leave his seat for
the purpose of watching his partner's play; but even should he do so,
his breach of etiquette would not deprive him of the rights given him
by law.

An adversary may unquestionably object to the Dummy watching the play
of the Declarer.

That, however, is not the case under consideration. The penalty for the
revoke is the most severe in Auction, many think it unreasonably so,
and a player is unquestionably entitled to every protection the law
affords him.

The decision, therefore, is that, under the conditions named, the
question may be asked.

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